Implicit Bias Certificate Program

APA DEI Committee 

By Jeremy Romel & Elbony Hawkins 

Great Learning opportunity for you to better understand

 Implicit Bias we all have!

Understanding Implicit Bias Certificate Program (Free, Virtual, three 1.5 hour sessions)
This series of three course sessions brought you to by the Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives allows participants experiential opportunities to thoroughly examine implicit bias and begin the work of interrupting their own biases and those embedded within systems at MSU. We all play a role in MSU’s ambition to achieve excellence through full participation, and this program will give you the tools to make a difference.

Upon certification, participants will:

  • Understand the lenses through which they see and experience the world, and how those lenses can be tinged with unconscious, implicit bias.
  • Have an increased understanding of power dynamics and privilege, and the barriers they create for full participation.
  • Be able to identify implicit bias and microaggressions when they play out in real life, and how to begin the work of interrupting them.
  • Have an increased sense of their own biases and a plan for continued self-education.
  • Better understand the challenges MSU faces in retaining top talent, and how you will contribute to an inclusive campus that opens doors to full participation.

Please click on this link for more information and how to sign up.
Information can also be found on the MSU Human Resources website.

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