Elbony Hawkins

Elbony Hawkins

Started at MSU: January 2007
Started with APA: November 2012
Board Member Since: May 2023
Current Term: 2023 – 2026
Board Position: Treasurer

Member of these Committees


DEI Committee Chair

Area Representative



Hello my name is Elbony Hawkins I’m an Administrative Business Manager for CANR and have been at MSU for 16 years. I’ve been involved with the union as an Area Representative for approximately 5 years throughout my MSU career and currently chair for the APA DEI Committee.

Personally, I feel the APA Union provides me with support, representation, and protection to sustain a comfortable work environment. This brings value to the MSU Community and helps support a diverse work bringing awareness to all people that represent MSU. I strongly encourage others to join the union and take advantage of the resources provided by local AR’s and Union Board members. This is a great way to learn about MSU and the policies, benefits, and upcoming events.

It has been most fulfilling to support the APA union by taking advantage of membership on the various committees and enhance the opportunity to support the MSU community and contribute to improving work environments. I’m a MSU graduate and have a great appreciation for the MSU.