Leo Sell

Leo Sell

Started at MSU: 1992
Started with APA: 1992
Board Member Since: 1993
Current Term: 2018-2021
Board Position: Member

Member of these Committees


Grievance Committee

Legislative Committee

I have worked at MSU since 1992 and for all but the very first year been engaged and active on the APA Executive Board. My initial job was with the MSU Computer Lab where I produced a newsletter called ACRONYMS (during the early years of the internet). After the unit moved to more online communication and eliminated the printed newsletter, I moved into a user support role.

From 1994 through 2008 I served as the president and chairperson of the APA. In that capacity, I was instrumental in creating a problem-solving labor culture, as well as being a large part of the negotiations of numerous APA and health care bargaining agreements. In addition to the APA leadership role I served 10 years as an Michigan Education Board of Directors member, enhancing the visibility of the APA within the state and national associations.

In mid-2008 I returned to my former department, now called MSU IT Services, and to a similar end-user support role. I have had a senior analyst position at the service desk for most of the time since my return.

My public service in the community includes a nearly 10 year stint as an East Lansing Planning Commission member and several years on the Planning Commission. As an avocation I sing as a lyric bass and have been active in various adult choral ensembles in the area.